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Javascript Files

This template use some custom javascript and javascript plugins.

Custom javascript

Here are the list of custom javascript used in this template

  1. slideanimation.js This script is used for the slider animation in homepage 1. You might want to avoid editing this file
  2. vanilla-counter.js This script is used for counter effect. You might want to avoid editing this file
  3. script.js This script is used for triggering the javascript function that created from custom javascript or plugin. You can change/settings the value of some function in here.
  4. contact.js This script is used for the contact form

Plugins Javascript.

You might want to avoid editing these files to prevent any error. Here is the list of plugin use in this template:

  1. bootstrap.bundle.min.js This script is used for the bootstrap element to works. Visit this plugin site for more info.
  2. glightbox.min.js This script is used for the lightbox function. Visit this plugin site for more info.
  3. isotope.pkgd.min.js used for filtering effect in events. Visit this plugin site for more info.
  4. scrollCue.min.js used for scrolling effect in page. Visit this plugin site for more info.
  5. swiper-bundle.min.js used for slider script. Visit this plugin site for more info.
  6. typewriter-effect.js used for typing effect in text. Visit this plugin site for more info.
  7. waypoints.min.js used for triggering function when you scroll to an element. Visit this plugin site for more info.
  8. vanilla-tilt.min.js used for tilting effect in element. Visit this plugin site for more info.
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